According to the U.S. State Department, there are roughly 25 million victims of human trafficking worldwide. Trafficking is one of the greatest human rights challenges of this century, both in the United States and around the world.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide survivors with the tools that will allow them to become independent. No More Tears inspires to empower victims of Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence.

"Hello Girls,
I'm Anna, I was 18 when I got arrested and rescued. I had been in the game for about a year and a half at the time. I was lost and scared and only wanted to talk to my pimp. I felt that I needed to get back to him immediately. As if I was failing him by being there. I was sitting in my cell and I was sober for the first time in a long time. I realized what was happening and everything became reality.
It took me along time to love myself again and I won’t lie I still struggle with it to this day. The thing people don’t know is that you never truly heal from trafficking, it’s one of the hardest things to do BUT it is possible. You probably won’t remember how many men you’ve slept with but I want you to know that is okay. I'm not 100 percent accurate but I can give an estimate and it’s at least 500 men but that’s okay! I did it because I had too and i am still beautiful no matter what. You are too.
I got addicted to the money and the thrill of the game but I never went back no matter how bad I wanted to.
Please use this chance to get help , and start your life over . Don’t go back. He doesn’t love you and he never will.
I am 21 now, completely sober, and engaged with 2 beautiful children and 1 on the way. I manage a store and have my own vehicle. There are success stories and a lot of them and I would love to hear about your success story when you reshape your life into your own.
No more tears has many females that have made it out. You can join our family . Ask Helen for my contact info if you ever need anything from me or even just want to talk . I’ll talk to you all day.
Be strong and pray. You will make it!" -Anna